60 minutes
14 +
Indoor show
Macbeth Muet
ON TOUR 2024
Mukamas Festival in Finland
September 13, 2024, 19:00
September 14, 2024, 18:00
Art center Diane Dufresne, Festival Fous de théâtre
October 5 ,2024, 16:30
Tunbridge Wells Festival of Puppetry, United Kingdom
October 10 ,2024, 14:00 and 20:00
MEM, Centre des mémoires montréalaises, official programmation of CINARS
November 16, 2024 14:00
Inspired by the burlesque acting of silent films, this bold, brutal and bloody performance takes us on a wordless journey through the ruthless pursuit of power with humour and melodramatic gestures.
A new vision of the criminal spouses in a sped-up version completely unravels Shakespeare’s tragedy. The combination of bodies, objects and stage blood is dominated by a social and emotional poignancy that depicts the futility of human life in a world without morals. The performance is supported by an impressive soundtrack and exceptional animation choreography by two puppeteers.
The artistic team
Marie-Hélène Bélanger Dumas et Jon Lachlan Stewart
Jon Lachlan Stewart
Set design
Cédric Lord
Sound Design
Jon Lachlan Stewart
Performers (alternating)
Marie-Hélène Bélanger-Dumas or Clara Prévost,
Jérémie Francoeur or Simon-Pierre Lambert
Technical Director and Stage Manager
Lisandre Coulombe
“Imaginative, ingenious, startlingly powerful: that’s the high-impact 50minute version of Shakespeare’s Macbeth delivered to us by Montreal’s La Fille du Laitier.”
Liz Nicholls12thnight.ca // 21 août 2018
“Now and again – and not very often – I just want to write, “See it!” and not a word more.”
Jo LedinghamTheatre reviews On the scene // 30 mai 2018
“…inventive and oxygenating (…) it may break your heart in a way you don’t see coming.”(…)What’s unexpected, and impressive, is the social and emotional acuity of this variation on Shakespeare’s play. (…) this production hasn’t forgotten the essential role of sex in marriage, including the Macbeths’.”
Laura Collins-HuguesThe New York Times // Septembre 2017
“☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆”
CBC Winnipeg
“☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆”
NOW Magazine // Toronto